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Spout Bouncing Off Walls!

Age: 9+

Design & Build your own Bot!

Short-term project: Build your own car/spout following a specific design (6 hours)

Long-term Projects: Build your own car/spout following 3 approaches (3 x 6 hours)

  • Each student will start out building his/her own car/spout following a specific design to gain confidence. 
  • Then they'll unleash their imagination and creativity to make and build a car/spout following their own design. 
  • Finally, they will work as a team to discover the advantage of discussing and sharing their ideas with others.

Students will take home not only the motorized car/spout, but also the confidence to start challenging projects. 

Main take-home message: "making mistakes" is a very important part of the learning process! 

Engineering is very easy if you accept to learn from your own mistakes

All materials are provided.

A lot of fun building these crazy spouts

Arduino Projects - Electronic Circuits - Autonomous Car!

Age: 8+

Learn how to program an Arduino to control scrolling LEDs, servo motors, ultrasound sensors, Bluetooth wireless transceiver, DC motors, H-bridge. Then, build your own car avoiding obstacles with ultra-sound sensor, or remotely controlled from your phone with a Bluetooth wireless transceiver. 

Novice or experience, explore different projects and accomplish mighty tasks with a tiny Arduino microcontroller

Cotact us for availability and home classes.

RaspberrySTEM Projects - Python Programming!

Age: 9+

Step-by-step projects, tutorials, challenges, coding lessons & full code samples.

Learn programming a piano, Simon game, and space ships on a 64 (8x8) LED matrix display using an accelerometer.

WEDO: Programming Lego Robots

Build, Code, and Play!

Age: 6 - 12

Projects based learning: Learn simple programming skills to control Lego Robots with different sensors. 

Unlimited amount of fun projects!

Go Rockets

Age: 8+

Learn how to build rockets with recycled elements and how to launch them safely. 

Ideal project for Parent/child collaboration

What a fun way to learn the basics of rocket science!

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