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Neuroscience4Kids & Teens: Learning & Development!

Age: 6+

Class 1/3: Brains development and structure/function.

Hands-on: Make clay brains of Insects, fish, reptiles, birds, cat/dog and human. Then color 5 major brain structures to visualize how brain evolved from reptiles to Humans. Then, learn about the structure/function of different parts of the brains and how they work. How to surprise the Broca's area to get the attention needed...

Class 2/3: Neurons - Central unit of brain function

Hands-on: Make a giant neuron firing up chemicals.

Learn the role of the main chemicals used by neurons to communicate with each others. Central and peripheral nervous system.

What are the techniques to measure brain function? MRI, CT-scan...

Class 3/3: Growth Mindset and Neural connection!

Hands-on: Make a brain hat.

Why is learning from mistakes good for our brain, and how does that make us smarter?

How can simple connections between neurons differentiate us as individuals?

What is a growth mindset and why should we embrace it?

Learn how to harness the 100 trillions neural connections to your advantage by embracing growth mindset.

Painting with milk & Paper Marbling!

Age: 6+

Interaction between soap and fat/lipids visualized as a spectacular eruption of colors

  • How the soap is made?
  • Which part of the soap molecule interacts with fat/ lipids?
  • Make spectacular paintings, then transfer your best painting into a paper (Paper Marbling).

Sugar Metabolism in the Human Body

Age: 6+

Sugar is the main source of energy for the brain and muscles

How much sugar in a human body and common food items?

Metabolism of glucose and fructose?

Diabetes type 1 and type 2

How long can a human being survive without food? Mahatma Gandhi engaged in several famous hunger strikes to protest British occupation, but he never fasted more than 21 days, why?

It is amazing how our brain orchestrates the metabolism of our body to keep us alive, and how overindulging ourselves with fructose based sugary food and drinks can make us sick.

Iron 4 Breakfast!

Age:  6+

Extract the food supplement iron from different cereal brands.

How and where iron is absorbed in our body?

Why do we fortify some foods with iron?

What is the relationship between iron and anemia or dizziness?

How important is iron for brain activity and development?

Power of Enzymes: a Juicy project!

Age: 8+

Enzymes: Horsepower of biology

These microscopic molecules will be revealed with hands-on investigative science project.

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